Monday, April 30, 2012

Japanese Level Up

I've been reading through a new website in the last week: Japanese Level Up

I'm a self-teacher but I have the basic problem of know what to do and when. At first glance this website appears to be very helpful in providing structure. The awesome thing about it is it turns learning Japanese into a "video game". It helps that I used to play them nonstop.

So from what I gather I'm somewhere between levels 1-5. I know and can understand a few basic words. I've also started RTK (6th edition).

I believe my next step would be to complete RTK, start working my way through Genki I, and start adding Japanese-English sentences to my Anki studies.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


  1. Japanese literature is ranked as some of the best in the world in both quantity and quality, and only a very small percentage ever gets translated into English.
  2. Learning about Japan introduces you to other Asian countries.
  3. Japanese is a gateway language to Chinese.
  4. Japanese TV and movies are amazing.
  5. Japan is the center of Anime, Manga, and Video Games.
  6. Being fluent in Japanese increases your ability to do general multi-tasking, since the brain does it on a subconscious level when switching between languages.
  7. Being fluent in a foreign language prevents all kinds of neurological diseases as you get older (ex. Alzheimer’s)
  8. Japanese music is extremely diverse and just plain excellent!
*Updated as needed

Favorite J-Dramas

  1. Hano Yori Dango - 2 Seasons and a movie
  2. Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
  3. Mei-chan no Shitsuji
  4. Akai Ito

*Updated as needed

Favorite Websites

Listed below are some of the websites I've been visiting in my journey.
  1. Remembering the Kanji (kanji) - I like the forum
  2. TextFugu 
  3. Japanese Level Up
  4. Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese (grammar) - The Japanese Grammar Guide seems to make more sense to me.
  5. JDrama Zone (tv)
  6. Jisho Dictionary  (dictionary)
  7. JDorama (tv)
  8. The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary (dictionary)
  9. Hiragana Blog (reading)

*Updated as needed

Back To The Language

So, I've been studying Japanese for a while now and realized I don't have anything to look back on to see if I've made any progress.

1. I've started Remembering the Kanji 1 by James W. Heisig. As of today I am on kanji 514 out of 2,200. Not doing to bad if I say so myself. I'd say I'm able to remember between 80-90% while reviewing in Anki.
2.Working my way through Tae Kim's Grammar Guide. I've got a basic understanding of what's being explained, but it's going to take time and practice to get it cemented in my head.
3. Vocab...ugh! But without it, there is no language. I've yet to figure out a way to seriously study vocab while liking it.
4. In regards to #3, I have been watching almost nothing but J-dramas. I think I've fallen in love. :) I've been watching/listening and trying to soak up vocab by osmosis.
5. Do not be alarmed if some of the posts do not make sense. That's just my alter ego trying to speak out. Ignore her!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Personal Pronouns

mi = I
vi = you
li = he
ŝi = she
ĝi = it
ni = we
ili = they

Saturday, February 25, 2012


  • all nouns end with -o
  • the suffix -in- indicates the female gender
  • kio = what (undefined thing)
  • tio = that (undefined thing)
  • kiu = which/who (definite thing)
  • tiu = that one/that person (definite thing/person)

Words to Recognize

  1. bildo - picture; bildoj - pictures
  2. demando -question; demandoj - questions
  3. testo - test; testoj - tests
  4. rezulto - result
  5. el - from
  6. ripetado - repetition
  7. parto - part
  8. superrigardo - overview
  9. sendu - send
  10. helpo - help
  11. jes - yes
  12. bone - well
  13. korekte - correct
  14. nekorekte - incorrect
  15. alternativoj - alternatives
  16. provu denove - try again
  17. Kio estas tio? - What is that?
  18. Tio estas.... - That is.....

Monday, January 23, 2012

Total Hours

Anki ~ 153 cards in 31.33 minutes

minutes ~ 2093.5
hours ~ 34.89

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Total Hours

Anki ~ 240 cards in 25.36 minutes

minutes ~ 2062.17
hours ~ 34.37

Thursday, January 19, 2012



Sunday, January 8, 2012

Total Hours

8.38 ~ Anki

2036.81 minutes
33.95 hours


42 cards in 8.38 minutes

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Total Hours

25.62 mins - Anki

2028.43 mins
33.81 hrs


161 cards in 25.62 minutes



Thursday, January 5, 2012

Total Hours

20.03 mins - Anki
20 mins - TextFugu

2002.81 mins
33.38 hrs


107 cards in 20.03 mins

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Total Hours

26.90 mins - Anki
60 mins - TextFugu

1982.78 mins
33.05 hrs


157 cards in 26.90 minutes

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Total Hours

13.89 mins - Anki
15 mins - TextFugu

1895.88 minutes
31.60 hours


68 cards in 13.89 minutes

Monday, January 2, 2012

Total Hours

28.06 mins Anki
60 mins studying

1866.99 minutes
31.12 hours


190 cards in 28.06 mins